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Build or Buy Your First Custom Gaming PC?

Build or Buy Your First Custom Gaming PC?

Should you Build or Buy Your First Custom Gaming PC 

Embarking on the journey to own your first gaming PC is a momentous occasion for any gaming enthusiast. The experience is both exciting and challenging with the plethora of choices and the immense potential your first gaming PC holds. Whether you’re a parent assisting a young gamer or an individual exploring the gaming world, a gaming PC can serve dual purposes. It can handle standard computing tasks and provide a rich gaming experience. The big question is: should you build or buy your first gaming PC?

Is It Better To Build or Buy a PC?

When faced with this question, consider that various factors can influence the decision, such as specific needs, budget, convenience, availability of components, time investment, and technical skills. Buying a prebuilt PC might be more expensive, but it’s time-efficient and doesn’t demand technical expertise. On the other hand, building a PC could be more budget-friendly, though it’s time-consuming and may involve a learning curve.

Consider Your Needs for a Gaming Computer

SSD or HDD an open traditional hard drive with platters and read/write arm shown

The types of games you want to play can guide you in selecting the right gaming PC. If you’re aiming to play the latest AAA titles, you will need a PC with powerful and up-to-date components. However, if your interests lie in less graphically demanding games, you might have more flexibility in choosing parts. Storage capacity is crucial as well, as games and applications can quickly fill up your hard drive. Both hard drives (HDD) and solid-state drives (SSD) come in different sizes and prices, so evaluate your storage needs carefully.

Building a Custom Gaming PC

Embarking on the DIY route to build a gaming PC is an engaging process. You’ll need to research components and source the parts. The main components required for building a PC include:

    • Central Processing unit (CPU)the brain of the computer, handling data processing.

    • Motherboard – enables communication between the different components.

    • Memory (RAM) – temporarily stores data for quick access by the processor.

    • Graphics processing unit (GPU) – responsible for rendering graphics and videos.

    • StorageSolid-State Drive (SSD) or Hard Disk Drive (HDD) for storing files.

    • Power Supply unit (PSU) – provides power and controls voltage.

    • System cooling – Air or liquid cooling to maintain optimal operating temperature.

    • Operating system – software that manages hardware and computer programs.

    • Mouse – used to control the graphical interface and execute commands.

    • Keyboard – used for inputting commands, codes, numbers, letters, and words.

    • Monitor – displays the computer interface and content.

If you enjoy hands-on projects and learning, building a PC can be rewarding. It usually offers cost savings, but it requires time and effort. If you encounter challenges during assembly, there are numerous guides available, such as Intel’s guide on how to build a gaming PC.


Buying a Prebuilt Gaming PC

If you prefer a hassle-free experience, opting for a prebuilt gaming PC is an excellent choice. Prebuilt systems come with compatible parts, installed and ready to go. iBUYPOWER’s Easy Builder tool helps you choose configurations based on the games you want to play. Prebuilt PCs can also be upgraded later if you decide to enhance performance. Purchasing a prebuilt system saves time but usually comes at a higher cost. For the best deals check our guide on the Best Budget Gaming PCs that are prebuilt and configurable.

Finding Your First Custom Gaming PC with iBUYPOWER

When determining the best route for acquiring your first gaming PC, weigh the pros and cons of building versus buying. Building allows for customization and cost-saving, while buying offers convenience and saves time. iBUYPOWER offers a streamlined process for purchasing a gaming computer, allowing you to use tools like the Easy Builder or browse a list of RDY prebuilt computers.

Taggedbuild a PCComponentsgaming PCGPUiBPiBUYPOWER computeriBUYPOWER gamingiBUYPOWER PCIntelpc


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